Offset Printing

Offset printing, also called offset lithography, is a method of mass-production printing in which the images on metal plates are transferred (offset) to rubber blankets then to the print media. The print media, usually paper, does not come into direct contact with the metal plates.


  • Number of Ply : 1, 3, 4, 5
  • Types of Ply or GSM : B, E, BB, BE, EE
  • Types of Paper : Offset, FBB, Art card, Duplex,
  • Art Paper, Sticker paper.
  • Paper Size : 750*1050mm (1ply), 750*1050mm (3ply)
  • 750*1050mm (4ply), 750*1050mm (5ply)
  • Number of color : 4


It is often used for direct mail postcards, business cards, brochures, pocket folders, signage, greeting cards and stationery.